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Connecting and building resilience through play...

Since 2009

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"Play is the Highest Form of Research" - Albert Einstein

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Who We  Are

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Sisanda FunDaytion is a not-for-profit organisation changing the lived experience and future outlook of vulnerable children and youth in Cape Town, South Africa by helping them to strengthen relationships, build resilience and to learn and grow through play. 



We believe in equality, inclusion and each individuals unique potential, and we are passionate about the potential of play.

Get to know us better 

Join Us For A Brief Introduction

Who we are

Our Vision

A world in which all children can experience the joy of being children and have the relationships and resilience to thrive.

Our Mission

​To inspire and empower positive role models who, through a trauma-informed approach, uplift the mental well-being and foster resilience in vulnerable children and youth through the power of play.

Trust number: IT 3973/2009
NPO number: 080-949 NPO
Section 18a:  PBO 930033409

B BBEEE Level 1 status

Registration Details

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Our Values



We believe in the importance of play and enriched experiences for healthy, holistic development of the mind, body and spirit. Curiosity, inspiration and dreams for the future come from exposure to novel ideas, experiences and shared moments. Life skills strengthened through enjoyable experiences can help to support mental health and build a resilient, creative, and driven individual.


We believe enjoyment and choice open our minds and fun and laughter open our hearts.

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A vital foundation of resilience is in having trusted relationships. This is how we learn who we are and develop a sense of safety in this world.


Positive relationships help children to manage daily stresses and teach healthy ways not only to survive, but to thrive. Positive role models and nurturing networks can help children understand their mental health and to build resilience. 



Resilience transcends mere survival; it embodies thriving.


Self-awareness, curiosity, confidence, and compassion are cultivated through relationships and experiences. Resilient tools are acquired and evolve dynamically.


Resilient role models shape resilient children. Resilient individuals foster resilient families, leading to resilient communities and, ultimately, a resilient nation.


ACtive Citizenship 

We believe that everyone can, and wants to, make a contribution to bettering this world.


We aim to break down barriers and create opportunities to experience the joy and personal value of giving and connecting. We believe that a better future for us all lies in our ability to be curious, to respect differences, and have the confidence to engage.


Our Programmes

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A Youth Leadership programme empowering young people and creating opportunities for them to influence the future of their communities.

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A community-based family strengthening programme implemented by Play Ambassadors to encourage intergenerational connection through Play at home. 

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Enriched experiences connecting children with volunteers and Play Ambassadors in fun, stimulating environments to learn and grow through play.

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